Hive Cataclysm Wikia

The only established settlement of the lost, Refuge gained its name from the first lost to found it. Today refuge consists of a fortified Pasture with an established Hall at the centre of the pasture, alongside with a couple of warehouses for storing supplies and for the residing families to shelter in before the return of the rest of the families for the elders meet. During this time Refuge resembles nothing more than an open pasture with a few peoples working on maintain the defensive wall and traps, alongside salvaging what they can from the surrounding area and bolstering the stored supplies in the warehouses. During the time of the elders meet however it resembles a vast city of tents and semi-solid shelters as lost from across the dead hive pour into Refuge and as the meet goes on the Tradesmen and Boundsmen interact and the refuge takes on the atmosphere of a great festival.
